Mackenzie & Matt

July 20, 2024 • Rome, GA

Mackenzie & Matt

July 20, 2024 • Rome, GA

Driving Directions to Frost Chapel

Driving Directions to Frost Chapel

Directions begin from the front Gate of Berry College. If you need additional assistance, you can ask the staff at the Welcome Center (where you will need to present your drivers license) for directions and a campus map.

• Stay straight until you get to the roundabout

• Take the second right off of the roundabout and veer slightly to the left as you follow the road off of the roundabout, this road is called Deerfield Drive.

• Continue to the stop sign and take a right onto Road of Remembrance

• At the next stop sign continue straight, take a left onto Memorial Drive and follow it for approximately 3.2 miles.

• At the end of this road, you will go over a large speed bump and come to an intersection.

• Veer to your right and follow this road past Swan Lake.

• Again, veer to the right and follow the road over a small stone bridge.

• Frost Chapel will be on your right and the parking lot will be straight ahead on your right.

*Please note that Frost Chapel is located on the Mountain Campus of Berry’ s campus and is an additional 15 to 20-minute drive from the main gates of campus.